Jimmy Lawson interview
1. When did Deathskin Razors form? What are some of the bands you collaborated on with the rest of the band?
Deathskin Razors was formed in summer of 2007. We have had mixed members of many bands. Those bands include, All Hype, Shades Of Red, Cheapshow, Face Reality, TV Suicides, Schizo Gerkin, and probably 1000 others.
2. When did you get some of the songs for your 7” written?
Me and our drummer, Nate Davis, have been friends for a long time, and have kind of written some of the songs before Deathskin was actually formed. The 7" consists of songs that were written before Deathskin was a band, and a few songs written in early 2008.
3. What was the inspiration for some of the lyrical content and imagery?
Our singer Jon Carpus is the one who is in charge of the lyrics. Whatever he feels he wants to write about is all coming from his brain. I know he just writes about whatever he is feeling at the time.
The imagery is a mix of everyone in the band. We like having a more "dark" imagery now. When we started out, it was more of a fun / party feel to it.
4. What does the name ‘Deathskin Razors’ mean?
"Deathskin Razors" came from the Sega Genesis game Mutant League Football. We chose it because we are a bunch of nerds who liked sega genesis. It is much better than the original name…. "cobra" yuck.
5. Where did you play some of your first shows?
Our first show just so happened to be at the best michigan venue….. The Hayloft. (note sarcasm) It was a shitty battle of the bands that was offered to us. Surprisingly we took 3rd place and a good amount of people showed up. I believe there are youtube videos of it.
Other venues included the 2500 Club, The Pink Birdhouse, The Painted Lady, Marshments Basement, The Trumbullplex, and random houses and basements.
6. What bands have you come to collaborate with and enjoy locally? Nationally?
We have played with so many bands in the past few years. Some local favorites would have to be the Bill Bondsmen, and Hellmouth.
Nationally we have opened for many touring bands. We basically will play any style show, with many bands. The list goes on and on.
7. How did the summer tour go for the band? Any memorable moments from the tour that you can recall?
In my opinion, the tour went great. We played an awesome fest called Screaming for Change fest in Bristol, VT. Play lots of basements, and houses. We met a lot of awesome people and bands. We had to borrow DJ Liden "Junior D" from Under Anchor to play drums for us on tour. He did an awesome job, and he helped us out so much by doing that.
8. How soon is the split 7” set to come out? What’s the band who will be on the other side? How did you come to discover and decide to collaborate with them?
The split 7" will hopefully be coming out in the early 2011. The 2nd band is called Prophet, Said I from New Jersey. In February, 2010 I had a basement show in a house i was living in. They just so happened to need a show that day on their tour, and i invited them to play it. It worked out great, and we became great friends. We hooked up with them on tour, and decided it would be fun to do a split together.
9. How has the Michigan hardcore scene changed since you first started the band? What have you done to change it?
Thats a hard question to answer. I feel like many other cities, venues have come and gone, bands have broken up, and new bands have started. I feel its just an endless cycle of the whole scene.
I don't feel i've done anything to "change it". I have done my best in helping out with shows, booking my own shows, giving bands places to stay, and so on. I feel it is a huge group effort, and I do what i can to help any touring band, local band, venue, local business, and person in the progress of this scene.
10. How did you come to be involved with Refuge Skateshop? What made you decide to get involved with the benefit show?
I cant say im involved with Refuge at all. I just see it as a help me help you situation. Eric Z has put out tons of records and booked many shows in his day. What he does is great for the Hardcore and Skateboarding community.
I decided to help with the benefit because he has done so much for everyone else, why not give back. He deserves it.
11. How and when did you get Shades of Red together? What’s the future for that group?
Shades Of Red has been an ongoing project for a long time coming. Rob Mansel wrote the songs, and asked a few of us if we were interested. We just found a singer, and hopefully everything starts rolling with it soon.
Who knows what the future holds.
12. Do you feel there’s a disconnect between two hardcore scenes in Michigan? If so, what should be done to bridge the gap?
I definitely feel that there are two hardcore scenes. I hope we can book more shows that have a varying lineup. I feel its the easiest way. I think the Fight Like Hell shows have been doing a great job of that.
13. Is there a decent place to get a reliable source of shows? If so, where?
I feel that depends on the promoter. But, most shows get listed on the MIHC board site, and the MIHC Facebook.
14. What does the future hold for Deathskin Razors? Any other releases, weekend tours, or notable local shows coming up?
As of right now, we are getting everything together for the Split 7". There will most likely be a tour with Prophet, Said I to promote it. We have no shows booked at the moment, and would love to change that.
15. What’s the best place to see a good local show? Why?
Well, that really all depends. MY favorite local venue would have to be the Trumbullplex. Everything about that place is great. You can always catch good shows in local basements, The Magic Stick, Smalls, Static Age. It just depends on what your wanting to see.
16. Do you write most of the music, the lyrics, or both (for Deathskin Razors and Shades of Red)? If not, who in the band does?
In Deathskin Razors, the music is written by Me, Nick and Nate. The lyrics are all Jon Carpus.
In Shades of Red, Rob Mansel has written most of the music. We started having more frequent practices, where we all get our hand in it. Steve Muczynski is in charge of the lyrics.
17. Anything else you wish to add?
All of Deathskin Razors releases are self released on me and Jon's label, Splattercat Records.
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This is the online version of Detroit-centered punk rock fanzine Criminal Behavior, produced by Aunty Social. The zine started in May 2010 in both print and digital formats. To reach the editor, please e-mail david@detroitpunk.org For the show schedule, click or copy: http://criminalbehaviormi.blogspot.com/2012/02/michigan-area-show-schedule.html
About Me

- Aunty Social
- Detroit, Michigan, United States
- I'm a punk rock guru from Detroit. Part skinhead, part crusty, part metalhead, part hardcore kid, part party kid, 100% punk rocker.
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