Face Reality interview
1. When and how did the band get started?
We got started in the beginning of 2008. I approached Robbie and Niemi (who isn't in the band anymore) to play guitar. We practiced a few times, recording some riffs onto a tape recorder. We finished our demo and played our first show June 8, 2008.
2. What do you feel about Detroit? Is it a receptive hometown or is it just a means to a better end?
I love Detroit. It's a very receptive hometown, especially as of late. Things seem to really be picking up. All my friends in bands from out of town are starting to have more of a desire to play here which is going to make things pick up even more.
3. What kinds of venues have you played around Michigan? What about around the U.S.? Ever play any festivals?
In Michigan, we've played the DAAC in Grand Rapids, the Metal Frat in Ann Arbor, the Garden Bowl, Refuge Skateshop in Dearborn, the Trumbullplex in Detroit, the Magic Stick in Detroit, a ton of basements and I'm sure we're leaving some out. As for out of town, we've played all over. Basements, larger places, small businesses, we've played em all. We've played a few fests as well. My favorite fest we've played so far was this past October in Chicago on X/X/X.
4. How did you come across Dead End Records? What prompted them to press your ‘Positive Change’ 7”?
Dead End Records approached us after hearing the mp3's of our demo. They offered to press the demo onto cassette but it was while we were pressing our own tapes. So instead they asked us to do a 7" with them which we agreed to do.
5. What bands (local and national/ international) do you take influence from?
Locally, we take influences from Negative Approach. Also, recent bands such as Build and Destroy, Retribution, Fireworks and Louder Than Bombs are inspiring. Other Detroit acts that aren't affiliated with hardcore/punk such as Danny Brown, Mayor Hawthorne, Black Milk, and
Guilty Simpson are great too. They're all working to get Detroit's name out there as much as possible. When we started as a band, the idea was to sound like Straight Ahead, Turning Point, Warzone and Youth of Today, but I'm glad we've come into our own.
6. What is the intended meaning behind the band name ‘Face Reality’? I took it as a call to accept the truth, regardless of its outcome, essentially a philosophical call towards truth-seeking and being a truth-seeker.
Well when we started as a band, I wanted it to be called Another Way. That didn't end up working out and in almost all of my favorite records I was hearing "face reality" in the lyrics. At that point, it felt natural to name the band Face Reality.
-Hard Stance-Face Reality
-"All you hippies better start to face reality..." Cro Mags
-"Things I see, they scare me, yet I must face reality..." Turning Point
When I decided to name the band Face Reality, we already had the demo and lyrics written. The demo had songs written about questioning what we really need in our society, thinking straight despite peer pressure to go with the flow, understanding different point of views, and taking risks in your life. I think these all coincide with facing reality.
7. Why did you become straight edge? Is it a fraternity of sorts or is it more of a thing that you do for personal reasons?
I became straight edge because I felt alienated by choosing to not drink. It was comforting to know such a huge group of people loved the same music as me and didn't drink or get high. I love being in a straight edge band and having straight edge friends, but I also love drugged out bands and my drunk friends. So it is a personal choice.
8. What do you think the purpose of straight edge is? Is it possible to partake in drugs or alcohol and still keep one’s mind “straight”?
Yes, it could be possible for one to keep his mind straight using drugs or alcohol. Straight edge is a social group of people involved in the hardcore/punk scene who choose to not numb their minds with drinking and drugs. I also think some people that are straight edge don't have their mind straight and use other forms of social crutches to stay sane.
9. Is it a coincidence that a lot of young kids who claim edge and follow a lot of corresponding bands are generally not seen at bar shows (this comes from my personal observations, in case you’re wondering)? Would you play a bar show?
When I was younger and straight edge, I never felt comfortable going to shows at bars because usually they were 18+. Also, some parents might be wary about letting their kids go to a punk show at a bar. If the show was all ages and the right bands were playing, Face Reality would have no problem playing a bar.
10. When did you sign to Youngblood Records? When is the self-titled EP due out?
We signed to Youngblood in mid-January. I met Sean last August and we had been in constant contact since. The self-titled EP is being mastered now and should be out by summer 2011.
11. What are some of your personal favorite local and national bands?
For local bands, I named off a few above. As for national hardcore bands: Noose, Dead End Path, Mindset, Thought Crusade, Give, Power Trip
12. Outside of the 7”, what does the band have coming up, plans-wise?
We have a couple weekend tours in the making with the bands Mindset and Thought Crusade as well as a tour in July with United Youth from Wilkes-Barre, PA.
13. Do you think Detroit is an underrated or active scene (not either or)? What do you think fans should do to become more active or stay informed?
Detroit is definitely an under rated city. We have a lot of great bands and a few great venues. Communication seems to be the only problem. We need to work harder to promote gigs to all types of people. Instead of just passing out flyers at hardcore shows and posting something on the internet, posting up flyers at record stores, coffee shops, skateparks; anywhere really.
14. What kind of books or magazines do you read? What would you recommend to someone who is not in the know?
I love reading skateboarding magazines as well as zines that talk about music. A combination of both is always great. As for books, I like reading about my favorite bands and have been reading a few books by Kerouac as well as Orwell.
15. Anything else you have to say?
Start bands, open a venue, write zines, do something. Don't complain about shit on the internet. Always keep the faith. Face Reality in 2011.
This is the online version of Detroit-centered punk rock fanzine Criminal Behavior, produced by Aunty Social. The zine started in May 2010 in both print and digital formats. To reach the editor, please e-mail david@detroitpunk.org For the show schedule, click or copy: http://criminalbehaviormi.blogspot.com/2012/02/michigan-area-show-schedule.html
About Me

- Aunty Social
- Detroit, Michigan, United States
- I'm a punk rock guru from Detroit. Part skinhead, part crusty, part metalhead, part hardcore kid, part party kid, 100% punk rocker.
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